Catching up with old friends
Kiwoko is a place that continues to stir huge emotions. From the smallest baby who would fit into the palm of your hand on the NICU, to the ladies in the HIV craft project some of whom have been under hospital care and on antiretroviral treatment for over 20 years, the hospital is awe inspiring.
It was wonderful to be back to chat and spend time with old friends and to make new ones.
The pride in the local community is palpable and the great reputation of Kiwoko continues to spread. Recently, a baby was brought to Kiwoko from the other side of the capital Kampala, over 2 hours away by car, and nearby Government hospitals regularly refer patients to Kiwoko.
The challenges remain many, not least the financial burden. Like elsewhere, many costs have gone high whether that be fuel, drugs, food or the pressing need to increase salaries to try and keep pace with government salaries. Some staff have left recently to move to government hospitals.
I have been challenged to review my own giving to support the incredible work of Kiwoko. To arrive at the hospital in the centre of Uganda and to see the care and services offered to the population around remains a wonder to behold.
Thank you to all of you who play such an important role in the work continuing and if anyone would be interested in supporting the work of Kiwoko please do contact us at Friends of Kiwoko Hospital.
Thank you to Dr Peter and the whole team at Kiwoko for the wonderful welcome and with great appreciation for the life saving work.
Ken Finch