Our family joined the other lovely families here at Kiwoko Hospital back in November 2022. We’re here until August and it’s hard to believe we are over half way through our trip!
We are from Birmingham in the UK and Stephen is surgical registrar who is taking a year out of training in the NHS to work at the hospital and I (Grace) am kept very busy with our two young boys; Samuel and Elijah.

I’m so grateful that since I became a Christian I can testify to God’s clear leading and direction in my life. Even if it’s not as I planned or imagined. In the last 4 years I’ve married, moved 3 times, stepped away from my career, been in 3 churches, had two children and moved to Africa…
God is faithful.
This Easter weekend we contemplated John 21 with some of our missionary colleagues here.
We thought about how much love and grace Jesus shows to Peter after his denial. His complete restoration, confession of love after seeing Christ’s ultimate display of love on the cross and Peter’s acceptance of the call to follow Him, even unto death. It was going to be hard to follow him, but worth it.
Something I’ve thought about a lot since we’ve got here is that it’s not bad to do hard things, it might even be good to do them. We can do hard things for and with the Lord.
This week alone I can look back, and see God’s goodness in leading me here, it’s not been a week of ease, but better than that:
- Tuesday I witnessed the birthday of a young girl with cerebral palsy who has just come home to a wonderful adopted family.
- Wednesday Stephen had the opportunity to witness to 2 patients openly and fully.
- Thursday a medical mission from the hospital took place and 7 people professed faith in Christ.
- Thursday evening I had two young girls in my home and shared the gospel with them.
- Friday as a family we joined a group singing hymns and sharing the gospel and praying for patients on each ward.
We could go on with the vast doors of opportunity open for the gospel here…
His plans for me are better than the plans I had for myself. Praise God.
‘For I know the plans I have for you, declared the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.’ Jeremiah 29:11